Drug and Alcohol Testing: 10 Reasons to Do It

If you supervise or employ safety sensitive workers, the lack of a drug and alcohol testing program could cost you a fortune in lost productivity and accident claims.
- Did you know nearly 25% of workers have admitted to drinking during the workday at least once during a year?
- Did you know nearly one-fifth of workers and managers report that a coworker’s drinking jeopardized their own safety or work productivity?
- Did you know about 16% of patients seeking treatment for occupational injuries had at-risk drinking behavior?
- Did you know nearly 70% of all drug users are currently employed and 1/3 of all employees state they are aware of illegal drug sales at work?
- Did you know the retail sector produces the most positive drug tests?
We’ve got 10 great reasons why you should consider implementing a drug and alcohol testing program for your employees.
1. Stop Drug and Alcohol Abuse Before You Have a Problem
By the time you discover one employee has a substance abuse problem, chances are there are more. A robust drug and alcohol testing policy that includes pre-employment and random drug testing discourages abusers from seeking employment at your workplace.
2. Drug and Alcohol Testing Deters Use
When your employees know they could be called for random drug testing at any time, and when the penalties for producing a positive drug test are severe, they are less likely to come to work under the influence.
3. Reduce Costs Associated with Substance Abuse
According to a report released by the Surgeon General in 2016, illness and injuries due to substance abuse cost the U.S. nearly $85 billion a year. The National Safety Council reports that businesses lose nearly $25.5 billion in lost productivity and absenteeism. Reducing substance abuse issues at work reduces associated costs.
4. Reduce Employee Turnover
Workers addicted to drugs and alcohol are less likely to keep their jobs. The National Safety Council states that 25% of them have had more than one job in a year. It costs about 21% of employee pay to replace them. The deterrent effects of drug and alcohol testing reduces employee turnover and saves you money.
5. Reduce Work Injuries Associated with Drug and Alcohol Use
The U.S Department of Labor reports that 65% of workplace accidents and 30-50% of workers’ compensation claims are due to drug and alcohol abuse at work. Regular drug and alcohol testing deters substance use at work.
6. Reduce Missed Work Days Due to Substance Abuse
According to the National Safety Council, employees using drugs and alcohol miss two times more days at work than their peers per year due to illness, injury or other reasons besides vacation or holidays. How much does that cost you?
7. Reduce Insurance Rates
Higher illness and injury rates mean more workers’ compensation and health insurance claims. More claims equal higher insurance rates. Implement a drug and alcohol testing program to reduce the number of accidents and illness and reduce your insurance rates.
8. Increase Employee Morale
Reliable employees who must constantly fill in and cover for those abusing drugs and alcohol experience a great deal of frustration…with them and with you.Those employees are also at higher risk for accident and injury when they work side-by-side with an employee using drugs or alcohol while working. A consistent drug and alcohol testing program ensures workplace safety for all employees.
9. Increase Employee Loyalty
Establishing a drug and alcohol testing program shows your employees that you care about them and are committed to their safety. Workers are more loyal to employers who care about them.
10. Low Cost for High Rewards
Single drug tests usually cost less than $75 each. A very small investment for a great financial savings.
So, where do you start? Even if you have a program in place, who is helping you implement it?
Lobdock Impairment Detection helps people like you create and manage comprehensive drug and alcohol testing programs.
Download our FREE Benefits of Drug Testing Report for more information.
Then call us at 405-822-0553 to find out how we can create a safer workplace for your employees
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