Posts by Lobdock Impairment Detection
Is Post-Accident Drug Testing Required?
If you employ safety-sensitive workers, you know about the inevitability of accidents, even if your drug and alcohol testing policy is solid. What do you do when you get that dreaded call that one of your employees has been involved in an accident? Is post-accident drug testing always required? According to the U.S. Department of…
Read MoreCASE STUDY: Do Businesses with Multiple Locations Across the Country Need a Different TPA for Each State?
An interesting conversation with one of our trucking company owners brought to light a misunderstanding. He believed he had to assign a different TPA (Third Party Administrator) for each of his locations. Our client had more than one driver, each based in a different state. He thought that Oklahoma City-based Lobdock Impairment Detection could only…
Read MoreWhat is the Purpose of Random Drug Testing?
Random drug testing is one of the easiest ways to improve workplace safety, not because you may catch drug users, although you may. That’s not the point. Random Drug Testing deters drug use and ensures a sober workforce without singling out specific employees. Detecting drug use among employees is nearly impossible. Once the signs are…
Read MoreLobdock, Inc. CEO and CFO Named to Journal Record’s Most Admired CEOs and CFOs List
When the Journal Record, an Oklahoma business periodical, asked for nominations for Most Admired CEO and Most Admired CFO, the Lobdock staff wasted no time writing their nomination letters. You can read excerpts from their nomination letters below: “Susan is always striving for people to push themselves into new situations and learn from mistakes that…
Read MoreCASE STUDY: Random Drug Testing and Fasting for Religious Reasons
Does DOT offer a religions exemption for fasting employees? We recently encountered a situation with a client who reported one of his drivers who was randomly selected for drug testing was fasting. This driver was practicing religious fasting during Ramadan and wasn’t able to produce a sample. What happens now? Is this considered a refusal…
Read MoreTop 5 Things to Know for Employee Drug Testing
Drug testing may seem intimidating, but it isn’t meant to be. How you prepare for employee drug testing determines how anxious they may be. Reassure your employee there is no accusation of using or abusing drugs or alcohol. Employee drug testing is meant to discourage drug use and maintain a safe work environment for all.…
Read MoreDo I Really Need a Drug and Alcohol Test Policy?
There are many things to consider when discussing Drug and Alcohol Test Policies. Learn about why and how to implement a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing policy at your place of work.
Read MoreWhy Pre-Employment Drug Testing?
A drug-free workplace means better productivity for your business and a safer work environment for your employees. What’s your best tool to make sure your office is drug-free? If pre-employment drug testing isn’t part of your drug and alcohol policy, you should consider adding it. The costs of hiring people addicted to drugs and alcohol…
Read MoreDOT Drug/Alcohol Testing During COVID-19
These are strange times, right? COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. We’re living in uncertainty and there don’t seem to be a lot of clear answers right now. It’s our job to stay on top of rules and regulations. We want to provide some answers for your questions about drug and alcohol testing during…
Read MoreClearing Up The Clearinghouse
The Clearinghouse is a new FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) requirement that tracks drug and alcohol violations. (Think: refusals and positives) Every CDL licensed driver that is regulated under the FMCSA must be registered through the Clearinghouse. In addition, each employer of those FMCSA regulated employees must be registered The hardest part of this…
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